Friday, October 14, 2005

interweave 3

Glance of body in
oxides windfall

peripheral haze zenith
swabbing you blind

like living room
crosstype catacomb

feasts I am splintering
you in tow paperveined

in the most common
shrug lead me wet-

ways starting from
ash beige clover

fingertips moving
morningsilent lead

to yours alternation
a scythe cowled by

knee and navel under
coral carapace censuring

your breath somehow
we travel mirrors

swim the horizon
brittle morpheme

shifts becomes
euphoric taut

something like a window
accumulating you in breeze

but made of grass
wisteria coarse seedlings

commas give way letting
emptiness this found

light shutter close
more funnel now than eye


Blogger Scott Glassman said...

I took the punctuation out because i love the uninterrupted flow . . . not sure about the couplet form I put it in, maybe some re-shaping is needed, playing with line length-- so it contrasts, keeps the reader's eye off-balance. Don't know, but the woven textures of our language and voices and sensitivities in this feels strong.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not sure about the couplets either-- they seem almost too neat and tidy for the energy in this poem. I'm compelled to want to splay it all across the page like a splatter, but don't know if that's too obvious either. What about five line stanzas or something like that? I'll give it a try and you let me know what you think. . .

2:14 PM  

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