Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Outside of the poem, it's bizarre

The lines I wrote taken out of the collaboration would be:

against the image of goldenshower
untying knots of fountainspray
unravel after we read the gaping verb,
an asterisk became a planet, if
splendor back into its vertebrae,
burgeoning gardenias. Singular helix of
and ice. Give me
sacrificial arteries, your eyelashes
were blood and bark
label a yellow bruise as "dying"
climbing and interruption the purest
speck of desire, your saliva sparkling
on my cheek in silent shame,
ever-filtered gallow
artificial mapping of


Blogger Scott Glassman said...

yes, bizarre, but beautiful. i want your strange and dark lines to stay together . . . there's cogent vibrations coursing through them, that my lines dilute. let me do the same with your lines here, see what happens . . .

3:34 PM  

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