Carnage, Pixels
You blur into drear, stigmatism focus on fake drips,
on fake intermittent light smear, on callous
glamour smear, shaken hand in bountiful sinews.
You give me a filled carcass, a shaken boxcar, a forest guile,
a hidden smile, more guile for the long trip through briar bayou.
Blue briars into you, slick martini eyes. The drag,
the influence of drag, the martini gleam effluvium taking over
squirrel-tooth effluvium. Come in bold, balance, entitled
rails we ride on, entitled something it wears, killer sari button
on the move down. So sorry for your hands.
I did a sort of pantoum-sort of thing with my words, beginning with the first one and the second one in the first line, then repeating the second and third one in the next line, then the third and fourth, etc, etc. I would have liked to get stigmatism in the last line, but alas. I tried to evoke the idea of stigmata with the "hands" reference, but not sure if it comes through or not. I used Roy Lichtenstein's "Brushstroke with spatter," 1966 as a sort of inspiration (I'm having a hard time with actual poetic subjects lately. . .may have something to do with the war?). I don't think the lines are working very well- they seem too long right now, but I like how the repetetion is working, so that's a tough one. I also cheated (lied?) at the end. . .sari, sorry.
It was fun. . .